Patent Renewal

The patent renewal is essential for keeping the rights granted by a patent, in force and effective. These patent renewal fees can keep up protection to the patented material till the end of the term of a patent, which generally from 14 to 20 years from the date of patent grant. However, for drugs, pesticides, and some foods, the term of patent protection given is lesser. The patent renewal fees for the whole term of the patent are to be remitted at a time in advance, or annually, to the Controller at patent office of the concerned country. The yearly patent renewal fees are due after the expiration of one year from the date of the grant of patent, or the date of the filing of the non-provisional parent application, depending on the rules in the specified country.

On receipt of the same, the Controller would issue a certificate of the patent renewal fees prescribed. In case of non-receipt of the prescribed patent renewal fees within the due dates, the patent rights are liable to cease and the patent protection to expire. Such situations are quite vulnerable and detrimental to the ownership and security of the patented materials. However, in certain cases the payment of patent renewal fees can be deferred to a maximum of six months after the due date; and the restoration of the lapsed patent can be made within a maximum of eighteen months ( in some countries this restoration time is one year). Global Jurix provides punctual and secure patent renewal services in these all cases.

Patent Renewal Service

Global Jurix one of the globally famous legal organizations of India, can support well-rounded the patent owners, inventors, and patent traders of all across the world, in relation to the patent renewal and restoration, and the business of patent utilization and trading. Our patent renewal services and patent related services consist of the following:
  • Scrupulously monitor your patent renewal deadlines, and issue prior reminders accordingly, facilitating your concentration on other activities of your choice.
  • Providing warning well in advance on the requirements of documents related to patent renewal and trading, or any new patent registration.
  • Expert and wise counsel on retaining, selling, or trading, patents, together with their current market valuation.

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